![Try prezi for free](https://loka.nahovitsyn.com/1.jpg)
![try prezi for free try prezi for free](https://img.informer.com/p2/prezi-desktop-v4.7-main-windows.png)
You can also invite other users to edit the Prezi, or share it via Facebook and Twitter. You’ll also be able to print (but obviously you will miss the dynamic aspect of your presentation), or open it up to the public to view or copy online.
#Try prezi for free download
Once you have created your Prezi, you can download it to watch on your computer, but you won’t be able to edit away from the Prezi website. This may sound a little odd, but it will be instantly obvious when you watch an example. Instead of flicking through slides, you zoom to change the focus on what is essentially a giant canvas. Prezi presentations are probably a little different to what you are used to. You can add images and YouTube videos, shapes, color and more via the large icon in the top left corner. There’s also a online support community to turn to if you get stuck, and the developers seem to be good at answering queries via Twitter.Ĭreating presentations with Prezi is easy. That way, they were able to ensure users adopted the new feature, identify points of friction that halted or slowed adoption, and make agile changes to alleviate friction and speed adoption.This web app is likely to be fairly different to the kind of thing you have seen before, so you should take a look at the introduction and example Prezis, so you know what you are doing. The product manager in charge of the rollout kept a keen eye on those user flows and real-time dashboards to monitor adoption and usage of the new feature over time. That shift was particularly evident during the Prezi Video launch-they used Indicative to quickly map out key users flows for the new product. They’ve also mapped out broader user flows that make it easy for product managers to pinpoint and understand the core metrics of user behavior.
#Try prezi for free software
So, Prezi, may the odds be ever in your favor, and may the best presentation software win.
#Try prezi for free free
Now, all cross-functional product teams use Indicative to regularly analyze user behavior, to understand how different features perform, and to identify key opportunities to improve them. To find out, we are challenging the free PowerPoint alternative (the Basic plan is free) famous for its zooming functionality and over-the-top animations to a duel. PMs were able to build their own user flows, freeing up data analysts to spend more time supporting bigger company initiatives. Jose and team implemented Indicative and saw an immediate shift in how product managers and their teams used and related to customer data. That meant data analysts spent a lot of time bogged down creating queries for product managers-meaning many bigger picture, more complex issues went unaddressed.Īfter weighing the current, partial solution Prezi had implemented using Chartio against both Amplitude and Indicative, the team ultimately chose Indicative based on cost, ease of integration, the ability to connect directly to their data warehouse, and customer support. It also created a less-than-ideal situation where product managers relied heavily on data analysts to pull any kind of insights out of their customer data. Product managers had to make product development decisions based on anecdotal evidence and gut instinct. That led to a ton of static obfuscating any serious, effective use of customer data, hindering product development. They needed to create meaningful user flows that everyone-from product managers to data analysts-could access, understand, and use.Īs Jose explained it, Prezi was facing a big problem with the way they analyzed customer data: They were drowning in white noise that obscured meaningful customer insights.īefore implementing Indicative, teams across the organization lacked the clarity and focus to track the right customer signals. To serve that wide base, Prezi needed to be able to access Product Analytics and customer data in a quick, useful way. Indicative also helps teams from across the company to quickly and easily access the actionable customer data they need-freeing up data analysts to focus on bigger picture initiatives.Ī global company, Prezi’s customer base is large and varied, encompassing a range of users that span business professionals to educators to non-profit organizations. Using Indicative, product teams are able to create insightful end-to-end user flows. To support such a broad and varied audience, Prezi needed a way to bring customer data to the forefront of their decision-making process and to do so in real-time.
![try prezi for free try prezi for free](https://img.yumpu.com/22925765/1/500x640/prezi-instructions-ecu-sign-in-portals.jpg)
Now offering three different products, Prezi is on a mission to help a wide range of business professionals and educators reach their audiences in a more powerful way. The platform’s signature offering, Prezi Video, is the leading virtual presentation tool for live and recorded video. Since then, Prezi has grown into a global powerhouse, helping more than 100 million users create over 360 million presentations-both in-person and virtual. Business users and educators alike were ready for a more flexible and engaging alternative to PowerPoint.
![try prezi for free try prezi for free](https://0701.static.prezi.com/preview/v2/5nwzfjribdjhqowveydggnqntd6jc3sachvcdoaizecfr3dnitcq_0_0.png)
The presentation market was ripe for change when Prezi launched in 2009.
![Try prezi for free](https://loka.nahovitsyn.com/1.jpg)